Sheep have been a part of my life since receiving a bottle lamb at age 10.  In 1987 we attended one of the first National Polypay Sales and purchased 4 ewes and a ram.  Polypays were an immediate hit on our farm and soon replaced the other sheep we had raised because of their superior mothering ability.  We were early adopters of the NSIP program and now have many years of data to back up the productivity of our flock. 

Our entire flock, about 60 ewes, is descended from those original 4 ewes.  For reasons of biosecurity, we limit introductions to the flock by only bringing in a new ram every few years. 

You will find that our Polypays are a bit larger than the average Polypay.  Our primary selection trait is lbs. of lamb weaned and secondary is growth.  Our flock is on pasture from the time the lambs are weaned in the spring until early winter. 

Lambing is in February and March with the lambs being raised in a hoop barn until 110 days of age when those kept for replacements and breeding sales are turned out on pasture and the remaining lambs, mostly wethers, are finished on a high energy diet for the local market.  

A Pile of Lambs Resting


We are now taking orders for 2024 ram lambs and ewe lambs that will be available for pick up or delivery in July and August.  
Check out our consignments to the Center of the Nation NSIP Sale  on July 27th, 2024 with both live and internet bidding available.

Call, text, or email for data or details.

 4750N 450E  Rochester, IN 46975

 (574) 204-3442


(Click on map)

High lifetime prolificacy
Large lamb crop at one year of age
Ability to lamb more frequently than once per year
Rapid growth rate of lambs
Desirable carcass quality

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